
The City Council adopted the Tenant Notification and Relocation Ordinance on September 1, 2016, (Ordinance No. 20160901-050). Challenges were identified in the years following the 2016 ordinance adoption, and Resolution No. 20180628-063 directed the City Manager to seek feedback from stakeholders on the category of tenants who should be eligible for notification and relocation assistance and submit recommendations to Council to initiate an ordinance change related to this topic. In April 2022, Ordinance No. 20220421-058 amended the 2016 ordinance to clarify interior renovations were included in the notification requirements for demolition and renovations of buildings with five or more occupied units. On October 27, 2022, City Council approved Resolution No. 20221027-039, which initiated amendments to City's Tenant Notification and Relocation requirements.  

Summary of Proposed Amendment:

The proposed code amendments would:
1. Deter the displacement of residents before submitting for an application; and
2. Require compliance with the ordinance when the property owner conducts unpermitted work; and
3. Require notifications for tenants for alterations or repairs described in Section 25-1-712(A); and
4. Require that tenant relocation requirements apply to any multi-family property with five or more residential units.

Review and Adoption Timeline:

Case Manager Contact 

Susan Watkins, Housing Department, [email protected]